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From 193Lbs to 180Lbs: a 19 Year Old's Weight Loss Journey

Read about midnitebrz's weight loss journey, including 13lbs lost from March to December. Despite creeping back up to 180lbs, she doesn't feel like she's gaining weight.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" female showing a weight loss from 193 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 13 pounds.
F/19/5'8" (193lbs-180) 13 lbs lost, March-December. Got down to 169 but have been steadily creeping back up for an unknown reason. I don't feel/look like I'm gaining weight. Before on bottom
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Midnitebrz, a 19-year-old female standing at 5'8", shared her weight loss journey on Reddit. From March to December, she lost 13lbs, going from 193lbs to 180lbs. However, she soon found herself creeping back up to 180lbs without any explanation.

Initial Success

In the span of nine months, midnitebrz was able to lose 13lbs by focusing on a healthier diet and incorporating exercise into her daily routine. Despite a setback where she gained back 7lbs, she was still able to shed a considerable amount of weight.

Mysterious Weight Gain

Despite not feeling like she was gaining weight, midnitebrz found herself creeping back up to 180lbs after reaching a low of 169lbs. She was puzzled by this since she had been following similar habits as before. This is a common occurrence and could be due to water retention or changes in muscle mass.

The Importance of Consistency

Midnitebrz's story highlights the importance of consistency when it comes to weight loss. Even though she was able to lose 13lbs, her progress was stalled once she started deviating from her healthy habits. This serves as a reminder that small, consistent steps are crucial for long-term weight loss.


Midnitebrz's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration for those looking to make a change. Her focus on healthier habits and consistency allowed her to achieve initial success. However, her experience with creeping weight gain reinforces the importance of sticking to these habits for long-term success. Ultimately, each individual's weight loss journey will be different, and it's important to find a path that works uniquely for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.