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F/24/5'7'' 42 Lbs Weight Loss Journey in 10 Months

See how taking pictures helped a Reddit user to see the true impact of their slow and steady weight loss. Read on for more on their weight loss journey and what they have learned about healthy habits!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a fat loss from 181 pounds to 139 pounds. A total loss of 42 pounds.
F/24/5'7" [181 > 139 = 42 lbs] (10 months) Face progression pic from an October game last year and yesterday. Slow and steady weight loss can make it hard to see the progress you make, but taking pictures can really show the difference!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user bravely shared their weight loss journey and taught us important lessons whilst documenting the experience. Her post showed the significant change from her starting weight of 181lbs (August 2020) to her current weight of 139lbs (June 2021).

The Hard Truth about Slow and Steady Weight Loss

The user learnt it's crucial to start slow and steady when beginning a weight loss journey. This helps to ensure that the weight stays off once lost. It's important to be patient with yourself as it takes time for the body to adjust. She said that throughout her journey, she never deprived herself of certain foods but made sure to eat in moderation. Her focus was on making healthy choices every day.

Tracking Progress

Tracking progress throughout is important to monitor your progress and celebrate milestones. The user emphasized that taking pictures helped her a lot because it was difficult to see the progress at the time. She mentioned how discouraging it can be to feel like you're not making gains, but worse still when the scale doesn't show them, making pictures key.

Small Habits add Up

The Reddit user shared that small habits add up, and it's essential to incorporate healthy activities into your daily routine, like taking walks or staying hydrated. These habits help to make changes easier to maintain and lead to a more sustainable lifestyle.


The Reddit user’s journey emphasizes the importance of focusing on small, sustainable changes to health behaviors for lasting weight loss benefits, and tracking progress to celebrate milestones. Staying aware of habits is vital, allowing you to stay on track and reach your ultimate goal. So, take a cue from her journey and start making positive changes today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.