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Man Loses 45 Pounds in Incredible Weight Journey

Reddit user Calicook138 shares his journey from 260 to 215 pounds in a year. Read on to learn about his successful weight loss strategies.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 260 pounds to 215 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
M/36/6' [260>215=45 lbs.]
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Calicook138, a 36-year-old man, took to Reddit to share his incredible weight loss journey. Over the course of a year, he lost an impressive 45 pounds, going from 260 to 215.


Calicook138 shared that he did not follow one particular diet, but rather made small changes to his lifestyle. He said that he started eating healthier by incorporating more vegetables and lean proteins into his diet, and also cut back on sugary drinks. In addition to changes to his diet, he also began exercising regularly. He started running and walking every day, and also incorporated weightlifting into his routine.


Calicook138 shared that accountability was also key to his success. He posted progress pictures on social media, and also used apps to track his food and exercise. By holding himself accountable and sharing his progress with others, he was able to stay motivated to reach his goals.


Calicook138 posted before and after pictures on Reddit, showing his incredible transformation. While he admits that the comparison may not be perfect due to the difference in posing, the pictures still show a dramatic difference in his appearance.


Calicook138's weight loss journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to make a change in their lifestyle. By making small changes to his diet, exercising regularly, and holding himself accountable, he was able to successfully lose weight and improve his health. If you're looking to make a change in your own life, take inspiration from Calicook138 and try incorporating small changes into your daily routine.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.