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Body Weight Exercise: a Journey From 185 to 168 in 3 Months

Follow the inspiring story of a Reddit user as he chronicles his weight loss journey using only body weight exercises over a span of 3 months. Read on for insights and tips.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
M/32/6'0" - 185 to 168 - 3 month progress - body weight exercises only
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The internet is a treasure trove of inspiration for people who wish to lose weight and improve their fitness. One such inspiring story can be found in the journey of a Reddit user, [deleted], who documented his weight loss journey using body weight exercises only.

The Journey Begins

In the user's initial post, he shared that he weighed 185 pounds and was 6 feet tall. He wished to lose 20 pounds in three months, and decided to rely only on body weight exercises for his fitness regimen. He posted pictures of his starting point, which showed a belly and love handles.

The Results

In a follow-up post three months later, the user shared that he had lost 17 pounds and now weighed 168 pounds. His body fat percentage had dropped from 22.3% to 16.8%. In addition, he posted pictures of his transformation, which showed a leaner and fitter body.

Tips for Success

The user also shared some tips that helped him on his journey. He stressed the importance of consistency and patience, even if results are not immediately visible. He also recommended tracking progress using a fitness app or journal, as it helps keep one motivated. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of a healthy diet in combination with body weight exercises.


The journey of this Reddit user highlights the transformative power of body weight exercises and a healthy lifestyle. It shows that with dedication, patience, and hard work, anyone can make significant progress towards their fitness goals. We hope that this story inspires others to try out body weight exercises and embark on their own journey towards a healthy and fit lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.