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Slow and Steady Weight Loss: a Journey From 181 Lbs to 160 Lbs

Follow a user's 9-month weight loss journey, and see how they lost 21 lbs from their 5'7" frame. Read comments from Reddit community members who acknowledge the progress, and learn how to start your own weight loss journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a fat loss from 181 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 21 pounds.
A picture of a 5'7" female showing a fat loss from 181 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 21 pounds.
F/24/5'7" [181 lbs > 160 lbs = 21 lbs] (9 months, but mostly lost in the last 4) Slow progress, I am starting to see it
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey of a Novice

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but with time and effort, anyone can achieve their goals. Reddit user vikraej, a female standing at 5'7", posted her weight loss journey to the platform, where she lost 21 lbs in 9 months. Vikarej admits that most of the weight loss took place in the last 4 months. She attributes her weight loss to making small dietary adjustments, practicing yoga, and incorporating low-impact workouts.

Slow and Steady Progress

The before and after photo vikraej shares highlights her success. Through her journey, vikraej learns that sometimes the number on the scale doesn't tell the whole story. She sometimes felt discouraged when she couldn't see a visible difference. However, comments from Reddit users gave her the motivation to keep going.

Small Changes Yield Huge Results

Vikraej explains the impact of small changes such as limiting snacking and reducing portion sizes. She also encourages those who also wish to start their weight loss journey to do research, track their progress, and most importantly, be patient with themselves.

Positive Feedback Helps

Reddit users cheered on vikraej and congratulated her on her progress, proving that feedback from the community helps boost confidence and motivation. Hearing positive feedback often encouraged vikraej to push harder and stay positive through her journey.

Try it Out for Yourself

Vikraej’s journey to weight loss is a testament to the fact that small changes and consistency, over time, can result in big results. Her journey is about slow but steady progress, and the importance of not giving up when change may not be readily apparent. Use her journey to feel inspired to start your own journey on your terms, whether through small dietary changes, daily exercise, or consulting a professional. With the right combination of effort, time, and patience, anyone can reach their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.