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From 233Lbs to 163Lbs: a 22 Year Old Man's 8 Month Weight Loss Journey

Discover how reddit user jerobarb dropped an incredible 70lbs in 8 months and overcame struggles along the way. Learn from his experience!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 233 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 233 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 233 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 233 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 233 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
M / 22 / 5'7" [ 233lbs > 163lbs = 70lbs] (8 months) I regret not taking good before and after pics, sometimes it's hard to remember where you come from.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Setting the Scene

Jerobarb, a 22-year-old male, started his weight loss journey at 233lbs with a height of 5'7". He managed to lose an impressive 70lbs in just 8 months, with no professional guidance or intervention, posting his progress on Reddit. Despite not taking good before and after pictures, Jerobarb was determined to share his journey and motivate others to take small steps and make lasting changes in their lives.

The Struggles

Jerobarb faced significant struggles throughout his weight loss journey. He experienced self-doubt, moments of temptation, and setbacks. He mentioned facing negative comments from friends who were not supportive of his journey, which caused him to feel demotivated. Additionally, he had to overcome the challenge of balancing his social life with his weight loss goals. Despite these challenges, Jerobarb persevered with dedication and patience.

The Transformation

Within 8 months, Jerobarb's body underwent an incredible transformation. He lost 70lbs, dropping from 233lbs to 163lbs. He revealed that his motivation to lose weight came from wanting to improve his overall health and body image. He shared that he could now walk with ease, climb flights of stairs, and engage in social activities without feeling out of breath or lethargic. Moreover, his dedication towards weight loss helped him enhance his self-confidence and self-esteem.

The Lessons Learned

Jerobarb's journey teaches us that weight loss is not an easy feat, and it takes time, patience, and dedication to achieve lasting results. He encourages others to take small steps and set realistic goals to prevent demotivation or burnout. Additionally, he highlights the importance of having a support system and finding a group of people with similar goals to help stay accountable and motivated through the ups and downs of the journey.


Jerobarb's journey is an inspirational tale of how small changes can create significant transformations in our lives. We can learn a lot from his experience, such as the importance of dedication, patience, and finding a support system. His story is proof that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with hard work and persistence. So, why not take a page from Jerobarb's book and start your own weight loss journey today?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.