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From 147Lbs to 123Lbs: a Motivational Weight Loss Journey

Discover how a Reddit user managed to shed off 24lbs in a few months and overcome the challenges of weight maintenance.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'3" woman showing a fat loss from 147 pounds to 123 pounds. A net loss of 24 pounds.
F/22/5'3 [147lbs > 123lbs = -24lbs] Started Jan 14, second picture taken last Oct when I was at my lowest weight. I've gained a little since then and it's been a real struggle to shift the weight again. Just posting this as reminder of what I can achieve and to motivate me to keep going!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


LonnyQ, a 22-year-old female Redditor, chronicled her weight journey last January 14, starting from 147 pounds. Eight months later, she weighed 123lbs, a 24lbs difference that took sheer discipline, hard work, and patience to achieve. LonnyQ also shared the challenges she faced in maintaining her weight and triggered a positive response among users who congratulated her for her accomplishments.

LonnyQ’s Efforts Paid Off

LonnyQ’s progress is impressive due to the short duration of time in which she lost weight. In addition to changing her diet, LonnyQ engaged in activities such as yoga and cardio workouts, which helped her stay committed and focused. Her online friends also offered their support, with Jessjess6791 inspiring her to keep on pushing toward achieving her goals.

Maintaining Weight Loss is Challenging

LonnyQ’s post shows that weight management is a continuous process that requires constant effort and attention. Even though she had reached her ideal weight, LonnyQ experienced some difficulty maintaining it. Despite having gained a little weight since achieving her lowest weight, LonnyQ continues to motivate herself by looking back at her progress and remembering what she can accomplish.

Tips for Successful Weight Loss

LonnyQ’s journey provides some key lessons for anyone looking to lose weight. Sticking to a diet plan, engaging in regular exercise, and seeking support from friends and family are all critical components of weight loss. Remember, the journey to achieving your ideal weight requires discipline, patience, and resilience.


LonnyQ’s weight loss journey is a testament to the fact that small changes in diet and exercise can yield substantial results. Despite the challenges she faced, LonnyQ persevered and achieved her goal. Her story is an inspiration for anyone who is trying to lose weight and a reminder that there is no shortcut for sustained weight loss.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.