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Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss a Reddit User's Journey

A new mother shares her postpartum weight loss journey on Reddit, featuring a healthy diet and exercise plan that emphasizes consistency and support.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 163 pounds to 154 pounds. A respectable loss of 9 pounds.
F/21/5'6" [163lbs > 154lbs = 9lbs] (1 month) Started a new diet after giving birth. Want to weight less than I did before pregnancy.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, nichols92, has shared their postpartum weight loss journey on the platform, inspiring and supporting others to make healthy choices for their own bodies. In just one month, nichols92 has lost 9lbs, thanks to a new diet and exercise regime centered around consistency and motivation for long-term success.

The Diet Plan

Nichols92's diet plan is based on Juice Plus, a supplement that incorporates a variety of fruits and vegetables that might be difficult to consume in large quantities otherwise. Although nichols92 admits they haven't closely examined the ingredients, the focus on nutrient-rich produce is a positive step towards promoting good health. Their diet also includes healthy, nourishing foods and eliminates the urge to snack on junk food.

The Exercise Regime

Nichols92's exercise regime includes kettlebell workouts, walking every day, and daily sit-ups and squats. This combination of exercises is a great way to build strength, increase endurance, and burn calories. Additionally, having a newborn has increased their physical activity. Nichols92 credits new motherhood for keeping them on their feet and limiting junk food cravings.

Breastfeeding and Calorie-Burning

When asked if breastfeeding has helped with calorie-burning, Nichols92 admits that they started the diet immediately after giving birth and haven't noticed a significant effect. However, it's worth noting that breastfeeding can burn a significant number of calories, which can help promote weight loss alongside a healthy diet and consistent exercise.


Nichols92's postpartum weight loss journey is an inspiration to many. Their focus on consistency, healthy choices, and long-term success is a great example of how changes to diet and exercise can lead to sustainable weight loss. For others looking to make changes to their lifestyle, nichols92's journey is a reminder that support, motivation, and a positive mindset can go far in achieving your goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.