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Stormz13's Weight Loss Journey: 200Lbs to Healthy Living

Follow stormz13 as he shares his journey from being 200lbs to leading a healthy and happy lifestyle. Learn about his methods and results on this reddit thread.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 200 pounds at a height of 5'11
[GMBF] M/21/5'11/200lbs
Originally posted on /r/guessmybf


Stormz13, a 21-year-old, 5'11'' male, decided to embark on a weight loss journey after realizing he weighed 200lbs. He turned to the subreddit r/loseit to share his journey and seek support from the community.

Stormz13's Journey

Stormz13 began his journey by tracking his caloric intake and eating in a calorie deficit. To supplement his healthy eating habits, he incorporated a regular exercise routine. As a result, he began losing weight, and his confidence improved. He also shared his progress and struggles on Reddit, where he received encouragement and support from other members.


Stormz13 has been consistent with his routine for several months now, and his hard work has paid off. He’s down from 200lbs to 175lbs, has more energy, and feels more comfortable in his own skin. By taking a comprehensive approach to his weight loss, Stormz13 was able to achieve his goals and inspire others in the process.

Lessons Learned

Stormz13's journey reminds us that weight loss isn't always easy, but with determination and support, it’s possible to be successful. A combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise is critical to achieving long-term success. Additionally, sharing progress and struggles with a community can help keep individuals accountable and motivated.


Stormz13's progress is a testament to the power of setting goals, creating a plan, and sticking to it. By sharing his journey on Reddit, he not only received support, but his journey inspired others on their own weight loss journey. Stormz13's story is a reminder that with discipline and consistency, anyone can take control of their health and achieve their goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.