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Turtlegloves' Journey to Losing 30 Pounds in a Year

Check out TurtleGloves' story on losing weight and toning her body. Learn how she transitioned from being inactive to active, and how she achieved her goal weight.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight cut from 150 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight cut from 150 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight cut from 150 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight cut from 150 pounds to 120 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
F/24/5'2" [~150lbs>120lbs = ~30lbs] Been at it for a year, but only started working harder recently running daily. Need to start toning.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


TurtleGloves is a Reddit user who shared her story of losing 30 pounds in a year. Before she started working out, she had an inactive lifestyle, played video games and ate unhealthy food. After her 5-year relationship ended, she made a commitment to become more active and eat better. She started working out by going on an elliptical for 45 minutes a day, then transitioned to running on the treadmill. This change in lifestyle contributed to her success in losing weight.

The Process

TurtleGloves' weight loss journey was not easy. She worked hard every day and didn't let herself make excuses for not working out. Despite achieving her goal weight, she still aims to reduce body fat and gain muscle. She mentioned wanting to start using machines, but a Redditor advised her to try free weights instead. Free weights are more challenging to learn but provide a better overall deal in becoming stronger, improving posture, and enhancing the lower back and glutes muscles.


TurtleGloves shared how she was able to change and improve her lifestyle. She learned to let go of bad habits and focus on activities that can be both fun and challenging. Running every day made her feel great, even on rainy days. She also became more disciplined in learning new athletic skills over time. One Redditor commented on the changes in her thighs and hips, to which another Redditor came to her defense.


If you're looking to lose weight and become more active, TurtleGloves' story is an excellent inspiration. Her journey shows that with discipline and determination, anyone can transform their life. She recommends that you start with small changes, like walking or jogging for a few minutes a day, then gradually increase your pace and intensity. You can also try activities that you find enjoyable, like swimming, dancing, or cycling. Additionally, getting a personal trainer to help you with the proper techniques and form can also be beneficial.


TurtleGloves' story emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Her journey wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Losing weight and becoming more active has not only improved her physical health but also her emotional and mental well-being. So, if you're thinking of making changes in your lifestyle, start small, stay disciplined, and be patient. You can do it, too!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.