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My 6.5 Weeks Weight Loss Journey: From 265 to 245 Pounds

Read about mmuoio's weight loss journey from 265 to 245 pounds in just 6.5 weeks. Find out how he plans to set his new weight goal and milestones.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight bulk from 210 pounds to 215 pounds. A total gain of 5 pounds.
M/29/5'11 SW: 265, CW: 245, initial GW: 235 (then re-evaluate and set new goal, prob about 210-215ish), 6.5 weeks of progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a daunting task, but with the right motivation and consistency, it's achievable. This was mmuoio's motivation when he embarked on his weight loss journey.

Initial Goals and Progress

mmuoio's initial goal was to get to 235 pounds, and after 6.5 weeks, he has shed 20 pounds to currently weigh 245 pounds. This is a big milestone, and although he hasn't reached his ultimate goal yet, he plans to set new milestones as he progresses.

Challenges Along the Way

The journey hasn't been a smooth ride as mmuoio has had to overcome several challenges. However, he has remained determined and committed to his weight loss goal. One of the significant challenges that he has faced is the BMI chart's definition of the ideal weight for someone his height (5.11ft).

Re-evaluating Goals

Despite the BMI chart, mmuoio understands that the weight goal he sets for himself should be a personal decision. He plans to re-evaluate his weight loss journey when he reaches his initial goal of 235 pounds, and from there, set another milestone. Ultimately, he hopes to achieve a healthy body weight that he's comfortable with.


mmuoio serves as an inspiration to anyone who wants to lose weight. The journey isn't easy, but with commitment, determination, and self-belief, it's achievable. His experience highlights the importance of setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, and re-evaluating goals to maintain motivation. He shows that losing weight isn't about fitting into a chart's definition but feeling good about oneself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.