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Tracking a Weight Loss Journey on Reddit: a User's Month 1 Progress

One Reddit user, betterbutterfly, is sharing her weight loss progress through face photos. She's lost 8.2 pounds in a month through using My Fitness Pal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 214 pounds to 205 pounds. A total loss of 9 pounds.
F/30/5'5" [214.4>205.8 = 8.2 lost] (1 mth) Month 1 face progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Using Reddit to share a weight loss journey

A Reddit user, betterbutterfly, is sharing her weight loss journey through face photos. This unique approach is a great way to track progress, as it allows for a visual comparison from day one.

Month 1 Progress

Throughout the first month, betterbutterfly lost 8.2 pounds, going from 214.4 to 205.8. While the weight loss may not be drastic, every pound counts towards a healthier lifestyle. In addition to sharing face photos, betterbutterfly credits part of her success to using My Fitness Pal, a calorie tracking app.

Importance of Tracking Progress

Tracking progress is crucial in any weight loss journey. Whether it's through photos, measurements or weigh-ins, monitoring progress allows for motivation and the ability to see the positive changes being made. Betterbutterfly's weekly photographs are a unique way to track progress visually, and may be a helpful alternative for those who struggle with self-motivation.

Mindset and Success

Betterbutterfly has a positive outlook on her progress so far, and her enthusiasm is infectious. The first month of a weight loss journey can be tough, but setting realistic goals and celebrating small successes along the way can lead to greater achievement in the long run. While My Fitness Pal may have been a factor in her weight loss, a positive mindset and determination played an equal role.

Takeaways for Your Own Journey

Betterbutterfly's journey highlights the importance of tracking progress, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a positive mindset. While her approach of sharing face photos may not work for everyone, there are countless other ways to monitor progress and find motivation along the way. Whatever path you choose, staying committed and celebrating small successes are key components to achieving long-term success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.