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A Male Reddit User's Amazing 56Lb Weight Loss Journey

Read about how one male Reddit user managed to lose 56lbs, going from 247lbs to 191lbs in this inspiring weight loss story.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 247 pounds to 191 pounds. A net loss of 56 pounds.
M/28/5'10" [247>191=56lbs] Can't believe I've even got this far!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is no easy task. It takes sustained effort to achieve your goal, especially if you're aiming to lose more than a few pounds. However, one male Reddit user, [username], has managed to do just that. In a post that garnered 112 upvotes and 0 comments, this user shared their journey towards losing an amazing 56lbs, going from 247lbs down to 191lbs.

Starting Point

According to the user's post, they started their weight loss journey in February 2020. At that time, they weighed 247lbs and were feeling uninspired and lacking motivation. They decided to start their journey by cutting out soda and fast food, making healthier food choices, and incorporating more walking into their daily routine.

The Process

Over the course of several months, the user continued to make small changes to their lifestyle, such as adding in more weight lifting and focusing on portion control. They also started to cut back on alcohol consumption and stopped eating out at restaurants as frequently. While the user admits that it wasn't always easy, they stuck with it and continued to make progress towards their goal.

The Result

As a result of their hard work and dedication, the user was able to lose an incredible 56lbs in just over a year. They now weigh 191lbs and are feeling more confident and healthy than ever before. In their Reddit post, the user expressed their disbelief that they were able to come so far and encouraged others to start their own weight loss journeys.


This inspiring weight loss story is a testament to the power of sustained effort and hard work. While losing weight is never easy, it is possible with dedication and perseverance. If you're looking to start your own weight loss journey, take inspiration from this Reddit user and start by making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle. With time and effort, you too can achieve your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.