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From 194Lbs to 131Lbs: a Year of Weight Loss Journey

A Reddit user shares her remarkable weight loss journey of 63lbs in a year through a side-by-side comparison. No involvement from user.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 194 pounds to 131 pounds. A total loss of 63 pounds.
F/38/5’3” [194lbs > 131lbs = 63lbs] (1 year) found a photo from 2 years ago that’s almost an identical pose to a photo of me taken last week. Many more greys but much less fat.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user Aggressive_Cut4892 shares their journey from 194lbs to 131lbs in just a year. The post is centered around a side-by-side comparison photo of themselves from two years ago and one taken recently, highlighting the incredible progress they’ve made in their weight loss journey.

The Struggle

Aggressive_Cut4892 never sugarcoats the fact that their weight loss journey was hard. Ethical and responsible weight loss requires a lot of discipline, patience, and dedication. The process included long hours at the gym, conscious eating habits, and a gradual progression towards a healthier lifestyle.

The Milestone

What motivated Aggressive_Cut4892 to keep going was the moment she found a photo of herself from two years ago that was almost identical to a photo from last week. The comparison showed many more greys but much less fat. A clear representation of the tremendous progress that the user had made.

The Takeaway

Aggressive_Cut4892 urges others to not give up and to try different methods to see what works best for them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to weight loss. Self-discipline and experimentation with different methods play a crucial role.


In conclusion, Aggressive_Cut4892’s weight loss journey is a testament to the fact that weight loss is not just about shedding excess weight, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to adapt to a more vigorous lifestyle. You don’t have to lose 63lbs like the user, but it’s always good to take some steps to live a healthier life. Small changes can create a substantial difference in your overall health and wellbeing.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.