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Reddit User's 42 Lbs Weight Loss Journey: Combating Yoyo Dieting with Exercises and Cutting Sugar

Read about how a F/37/5'5 user lost 42 lbs in 31 months by starting slow and enjoying exercises, using intermittent fasting and cutting sugar. Learn how to combat yoyo dieting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 167 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 42 pounds.
F/37/5'5 [167lbs > 125lbs = 42 lbs] (31 months) long time lurker, trying to put a stop to yoyo dieting for good!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight and keeping it off is a challenging process. It requires consistency and finding a sustainable lifestyle change. This is exactly what Reddit user bishopofbanterbury3 did in her 31-month weight loss journey, losing 42 lbs.

Combating yoyo dieting

Bishopofbanterbury3 revealed she had yoyo dieted many times before her current journey. To break the cycle, she stopped stressing too much and started enjoying exercising. She cut out sugar, subbing it with stevia and making her own sweets using high-quality ingredients. She also started intermittent fasting, alternating between 16:8 and 20:4.

Exercises that worked for her

Bishopofbanterbury3 experimented with various workouts, starting with light dancing, yoga, and walking. Slowly, she increased the duration and intensity of her exercises. She also found she loved running and doing HIIT, noting that challenging herself was fun. Today, she does 90 minutes of exercises every day, broken into little intense exercises involving running, yoga, pilates, and zumba.

Staying positive in the journey

Bishopofbanterbury3 doesn't stress too much if she relapses or goes a bit overboard on cheat days. She sees weight loss as a lifelong process and aims to get back on track. She emphasizes that the journey is slow but worth it. Losing weight is not just about looking good; she feels much fitter and happier now.


Bishopofbanterbury3's weight loss journey shows that combating yoyo dieting is possible. Starting with light exercises, cutting sugar, and intermittent fasting can all contribute to a sustainable weight loss journey. Weight loss is a lifelong process, but small changes can add up and make a big difference. Try out what worked for bishopofbanterbury3 and see the positive changes it can bring to your life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.