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A 15Lbs Weight Loss Journey Postpartum in 5 Months

Read about GiveMeHeadTilImDead's journey towards a weight loss goal of 144lbs after having a baby. Through dedication and hard work, the user lost 15 pounds in 5 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight cut from 177 pounds to 162 pounds. A total loss of 15 pounds.
F/25/5'2" [177 lbs > 162 lbs = 15 lbs] 1 month postpartum > 5 months postpartum, GW: 144 lbs for now. i hit 15 lbs down wednesday and didn’t think anything really changed until i recreated some pictures and...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Postpartum is a hard time for self-care, with new moms struggling to balance taking care of a new baby and their own needs. For reddit user GiveMeHeadTilImDead, self-care meant achieving her weight loss goals. She began her journey at 177lbs, and her goal as of now is 144lbs. After five months of dedication and persistence, she hit her first goal of losing 15lbs in a month postpartum and recreated the pictures from the beginning of her journey to notice visible changes.


The user hasn't mentioned a specific diet or exercise routine. However, dedication and persistence are key qualities that helped GiveMeHeadTilImDead move closer to her weight loss goals. The progress pictures speak for themselves, showing the difference a steady and consistent commitment to one's goals can make in achieving transformation.


Other reddit users have cheered on GiveMeHeadTilImDead, offering words of encouragement, inspiration, and even comparing weight loss journeys. One user, whippetshuffle, shared their own story of achieving a weight loss goal of 149.6lbs having started at 182lbs. Other users have expressed admiration for the transformation pictures, praised the tattoos, and celebrated the user's progress.

Body Acceptance

Some users praised the user for a healthy and realistic weight loss goal, while others have talked about their journey towards accepting their bodies. In particular, one user shared their observation regarding the celulite in both their children and thanked GiveMeHeadTilImDead's post for helping them accept their bodies.


Reddit user GiveMeHeadTilImDead has shared a motivating and inspiring story of achieving weight loss after having a baby. Though the user doesn't mention a specific weight loss method, their unwavering dedication and persistence have driven the progress. As the user moves forward towards their goal of 144lbs, this inspiring story encourages others to try things out and work hard towards their own personal goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.