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F/26's 43 Lbs Weight Loss Journey over 2 Years Using Cico and Sports Nutrition

Read about a woman's journey of losing 43 lbs through CICO and sports-nutrition. Find out how listening to her body and fueling it with protein-rich food helped her progress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 198 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 43 pounds.
F/26/5'5" (1,65m) [198 lbs > 155 lbs = 43 lbs] (2 years and counting) started with CICO, now switching focus to eating enough to fuel my body for sport-related goals
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight-loss journeys can be challenging, but the satisfaction and self-confidence upon achieving it are priceless. This report is about a Reddit user, caviaa, who has lost 43 lbs over two years and counting, through the 'Calories In and Calories Out' (CICO) method.

CICO method and Listening to Your Body

Caviaa started her journey with the CICO method, which focuses on creating a calorie deficit by burning more calories than consumed. However, she soon realized that listening to her body's needs is just as important. For instance, she switched her focus to sports nutrition to fuel her body better for the sport she enjoys, which is CrossFit. She started eating three meals and two snacks throughout the day, mostly comprising protein-rich food and some vegetables.

Sports Nutrition

Caviaa's primary focus nowadays is to fuel her body for her CrossFit goals, which include improving her movement and gaining upper body strength. The nutrition required for this includes sufficient energy, hydration, and proper macronutrient (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) distribution. She mentioned that following a balanced diet provided her enough energy and focus to power through the more challenging workouts, coupled with adequate hydration.

Staying Motivated, Progress and Changes

Staying motivated during a weight-loss journey can be a challenge, too. Caviaa mentioned that seeing how her progress has positively influenced her body, health, and sport performance has kept her motivated. Furthermore, she advised that every individual's body is different, and their dietary needs can change during the journey, so it is vital to listen to your body and make changes accordingly. Having a support system, like Reddit, where she found encouragement and inspiration, has also been helpful for her.


Caviaa's achievements prove that a sustainable weight-loss journey is entirely plausible, even if it takes time, consistency, and listening to your body. Her focus on sports nutrition to fuel her body for her sport-related goals is an excellent example of how significant proper nutrition is for both health and performance. Every person's journey is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. However, the key is to keep making progress towards the goal, stay motivated, and be mindful of the body's needs.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.