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From 154 to 137 Lbs: a Journey Towards a Healthier Me

Read about a woman's journey towards a healthier body as she sheds off 16lbs, shares her progress, and gains self-confidence.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 154 pounds to 137 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
F/30/5’2” [154 lbs > 137 lbs = 16lbs] I will always have a mombod but I’m so happy with the progress so far.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One woman's journey towards a healthier body, chronicled in a Reddit post, inspires and motivates people to try things out for themselves. With 420 upvotes on the platform, she tells her story, from being overweight to shedding off 16lbs and, more importantly, gaining self-confidence along the way.

From 'Mombod' to a Healthier Frame

It's not easy for moms to maintain a fit physique, what more for a woman with a full-time job, a home to keep, and an active social life. But with determination, hard work, and a little help from the community, a user of Reddit was able to jumpstart her fitness journey.

Sharing Progress and Inspiring Others

What sets this woman's story apart is her transparency and her willingness to share her progress. Her before-and-after photos not only show a visible difference in her body but also in her attitude. She exudes confidence, self-love, and a positive outlook on life that motivates people to do the same.

A Reminder to Take Care of Ourselves

As we go through life, dealing with stress, work, relationships, and other responsibilities, we often forget to take care of ourselves. This woman's journey is a reminder that we should set aside time to prioritize our health, whether it's through exercise, a healthier diet, or mental wellness practices.


We may never achieve the 'perfect' body, but like this woman, we can aim to be healthier versions of ourselves. By celebrating small wins, seeking support from like-minded individuals, and adopting sustainable habits, we can be on our way towards a better quality of life. So why not start today?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.