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Man Loses 35Lbs After Fractured Femur Recovery | Reddit Weight Journey

Discover how this man lost 35lbs in four months after recovering from a fractured femur. Check out his Reddit post for motivation and inspiration!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a weight reduction from 240 pounds to 205 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
M/41/6’2” [240lbs > 205lbs = -35lbs] After 6 months of recovering from a fractured femur, I had put on considerable weight. Lot of work over the last 4 months to get the weight down. So grateful that I can run again!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Beginning of the Weight Gain

After recovering from a fractured femur, Reddit user deepdrilling80 had put on a considerable amount of weight. Determined to shed the extra pounds, he began his weight loss journey and achieved impressive results.

35lbs Down in Just Four Months

By making lifestyle changes and putting in a lot of effort over four months, deepdrilling80 lost 35lbs. He did not follow a particular diet or set up any weight loss plan, but instead took everyday steps toward becoming healthier.

Grateful for Being Able to Run Again

Through his hard work, deepdrilling80 could run again, which was a significant accomplishment after his broken femur. His perseverance through the journey inspires others to take the same steps to live a healthy life.

A Social Network of Motivation

The accountability and motivation of sharing his progress on social media was an essential part of his weight loss journey. Reddit users cheered him on, and each comment fueled his energy further.

Try it Out for Yourself

Deepdrilling80's weight loss journey shows that there is no quick fix to losing weight. To achieve a significant result, it takes time, effort and determination. His focus on everyday, sustainable habits like running, eating healthy and being accountable was his key to success. If you're looking to lose weight, start small and try integrating healthier habits into your life. You might be surprised by the progress you make!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.