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23 Pounds Lighter, a Reddit User Shares Her Inspiring 3 Year Weight Journey

Read about how No_Employment3676 succeeded in her ongoing weight-loss journey with her strength training routine

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a fat loss from 198 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 23 pounds.
F/20/5’7 [198>175=23 lbs] the first pic is from 3 years ago, and then two years ago I dropped down to 158, and now I’ve billed and toned to 175 :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a journey that requires discipline and consistency, and No_Employment3676, a Reddit user is a perfect showcase of an inspiring weight-loss journey.

From 198 to 175

No_Employment3676 shares how a picture from three years ago was the turning point of her journey to losing 23 pounds. She first dropped to 158 and then worked on building muscle till she reached 175 pounds. Her before-and-after pictures show how she managed to maintain her weight and become leaner and more athletic in the process.

Weight loss journey and the importance of exercise

Based on her Reddit thread, No_Employment3676 mentioned how she lost her initial 40 pounds through cardio and slowly transitioned to strength training to maintain her weight and keep herself in shape. Her experience shows that while cardio is great for losing weight, maintaining your weight and becoming leaner could come through strength training and other exercises that help you build muscle and burn calories.

Discipline and Consistency

Working out to lose and maintain weight requires discipline and consistency, and No_Employment3676 managed to maintain her weight while becoming stronger and more athletic through persistent strength training workouts. Her thread also shows how a supportive environment where users praised her for her transformation could also be motivating for someone just starting their weight-loss journey.


No_Employment3676's weight journey is an inspiration on how discipline, consistency, and a variety of exercises could help anyone achieve their weight goals. Her focus on building muscles and maintaining her weight through strength training shows the importance of a consistent workout routine specific to your goals. Anyone looking to make a lifestyle change could draw inspiration from this simple yet motivational weight-loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.