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A 2.5 Year Weight Loss Journey: M/22/6'3" [215Lbs > 200Lbs = 15Lbs]

Read one Reddit user's inspiring weight loss journey, showcasing the power of hard work and consistency.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'3" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 200 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
M/22/6'3" [215lbs > 200lbs = 15lbs] (2,5 years) Hard work and consistency always pay off!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a long and challenging journey, and it often requires hard work and consistency over a sustained period of time. One Reddit user, M/22/6'3", has shared their inspiring weight loss journey, revealing how they managed to shed an impressive 15lbs over a period of 2.5 years. Their post has received over 270 upvotes, highlighting how many people are looking for inspiration and motivation to achieve their own weight loss goals.

The Challenge

The Reddit user was carrying excess weight, weighing in at 215lbs. This excess weight was having a negative impact on their health and well-being, and they knew they needed to make some changes in order to improve their quality of life. However, they also knew that losing weight would not be easy, and that it would require dedication, willpower, and consistency. It was a challenge that they were willing to take on, however, and over the next 2.5 years, they worked tirelessly to achieve their weight loss goals.

The Process

The user revealed that their weight loss journey was not always smooth sailing, and that they faced many setbacks along the way. However, they stuck to their plan, and over time, they saw real progress. They focused on making healthy lifestyle choices, including cutting back on unhealthy foods, increasing their physical activity, and getting plenty of rest and relaxation. They also sought out support from friends and family, which helped to keep them motivated and on track.

The Results

After 2.5 years of hard work and consistency, the Reddit user managed to lose an impressive 15lbs. This weight loss had a number of positive impacts on their life, including improved health, increased confidence, and a greater sense of self-worth. They also gained a new appreciation for the power of hard work and dedication, and shared their inspiring story with others in the hope of helping them achieve their own weight loss goals.


The Reddit user's weight loss journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of hard work and consistency when it comes to achieving your goals. While losing weight can be a challenging process, it is ultimately worth it, and can lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. If you're struggling with your own weight loss journey, take inspiration from this Reddit user's story, and remember that with dedication and perseverance, you too can achieve your goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.