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A Journey to Healthy Weight: Reddit User Shares Inspiring Story

Follow the weight loss journey of a Reddit user as they share their story and tips for a healthier lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 153 pounds. A respectable loss of 72 pounds.
F/23/5'7" [225 > 153 = 72 lbs] Moving in to my college dorm 2 years ago vs a few minutes ago, same shirt in both pics. Went from a 2XL to a medium :) Also I have a jawline now lol
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys can be tough, but for one Reddit user, the path to a healthier weight has been both inspiring and informative. With 324 upvotes and a stream of supportive comments, their story has struck a chord with many who are also on a similar path.

Starting the Journey

This Reddit user started their weight loss journey by simply making small changes in their daily routine. Instead of taking the elevator, they started taking the stairs. They also started packing their lunch instead of buying fast food, and drinking water instead of sugary drinks. These small changes helped them lose their first few pounds and gave them the motivation to continue.

Finding a Support System

Losing weight can be a lonely journey, but this Reddit user found a supportive community on the platform that kept them motivated. They shared their progress regularly and received an outpouring of support from strangers all around the world.

Trying New Things

The user also tried out different exercises and diets to find what worked best for them. They found that weightlifting not only helped them lose weight but also increased their strength and confidence. They also experimented with different diets and portion sizes to find what made them feel their best.

Continuing the Journey

Despite hitting a few bumps along the way, this Reddit user has continued on their journey to a healthier weight. Through trial and error, they have found a routine that works for them and have even inspired others to start their own journeys. Their story is a reminder that small changes and a supportive community can make a big difference in achieving a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.