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The Amazing Weight Loss Journey of a Reddit User: F/25/5'3 153Lbs >134Lbs = 19Lbs (8 Months)

Read about the inspiring weight loss journey of a Reddit user who struggled with yo-yo weight loss and personal issues for most of her life.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 153 pounds to 134 pounds. A total loss of 19 pounds.
F/25/5'3 [153lbs >134lbs = 19lbs] (8 months) I have had struggles with yo-yoing for most of my life because of personal struggles but there is finally light in the tunnel both physically and mentally.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Background of the User

The featured Reddit user, who chose the username Roojea, shares her journey of losing 19lbs in the span of 8 months. She struggled with yo-yoing and personal issues during her formative years which affected her self-esteem and overall happiness.

The Turning Point

Roojea made a decision to turn her life around when she got a good part-time job after finishing school. She used the space and the opportunity to start her own brand and tackle her own health and fitness. She did not necessarily have a target weight goal but mainly aimed to feel good about herself and become more active.

The Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

Roojea started small by taking longer walks out in nature, setting up schedules for basic home exercises, and playing tennis. She also tried out crossfit to challenge herself further.

Surrounding Yourself with Good People

The Reddit user gave credit to the amazing people around her who supported her throughout her journey. She also learned to surround herself with people who inspired her to believe in herself and appreciate the progress of others.

Encouragement and Inspiration

Roojea's journey serves as an inspiration to many who struggle with their own journey of self-discovery and weight loss. Her experience shows the importance of surrounding oneself with good people, having self-love, and taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Roojea reminds us that change happens gradually, but most importantly, it all starts with a decision to take care of oneself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.