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A Woman Sheds 102 Pounds Primarily Through Lifestyle Changes

A reddit user shares her 7-month journey and transformation of shedding 102 pounds. She attributes it to conscious calorie intake, more exercise, and getting out of a bad relationship.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 330 pounds to 228 pounds. A net loss of 102 pounds.
F/29/5’6 [330>228=102] (7 mos) I don’t have very many before images, but this one haunts me
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

At 29 years of age, and 5’6, a reddit user named llayy shares her remarkable journey of shedding 102 pounds in just seven months. She admits that her new appearance is due to primarily lifestyle changes like being more conscious of her calorie intake, exercise levels, and getting out of a bad relationship.

llayy shared that the body dysmorphia that she is going through these days has made it hard for her to see the difference in the last 50 pounds. She also shared that she had gone from a size 24 to a size 16. She has not shared many before-and-after images, but she says that one specific photograph haunts her.

The main reason behind her transformation was her lifestyle changes. She became more conscious of her calorie intake and exercise levels. Despite her body dysmorphia, she managed to overcome her hurdles and drop clothing sizes. More importantly, she got out of a bad relationship and moved away from that place, embracing a fresh start.

The comments on her post were filled with congratulations and positive wishes. Her post indicates that losing weight is not easy, but it is more achievable if you make lifestyle changes to your exercise, diet, and mental attitude. Users like llayy are an inspiration to many as they show that we can overcome various hurdles if we are determined to succeed.

If you want to try and lose weight, remember that it is essential to understand that it can take time, effort and consistency. Losing 102 pounds is not an easy feat to accomplish, but changes in your lifestyle, like reducing calories and exercising more, can help merge the gap between you and your weight goals. Also, remember that body dysmorphia is a real issue, and one should not solely focus on the scale or other metrics but also embrace changes in how they feel and how their mind-set has improved.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.