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From 226 to 143 Pounds: the Weight Loss Journey of Belezaprincesa

Follow Belezaprincesa's inspiring journey of shedding off 83 pounds and achieving a fitter, healthier version of herself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 226 pounds to 143 pounds. A total loss of 83 pounds.
F/26/5'6 [226>143 = 83lbs] I had to update my driver's license and seeing the comparison is startling. I don't even recognize myself! I'm so proud of how far I've come, now to just keep pushing through these last 17 stubborn pounds!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In a world full of unhealthy fads, diet myths, and 'quick fixes,' losing weight can sometimes seem like a daunting task. However, with dedication, perseverance, and a balanced approach, losing weight, and more importantly, maintaining good health and well-being is entirely possible. This article follows the inspiring weight loss journey of Belezaprincesa, who documented her progress on Reddit and gained over 1,700 upvotes and numerous encouraging comments.

From 226 to 143 pounds

Belezaprincesa began her weight loss journey at 226 pounds and 5'6''. After shedding off a whopping 83 pounds, she weighed 143 pounds, a significant accomplishment. She credits her success to a combination of factors - tracking her calories, maintaining a reasonable calorie deficit, following a balanced diet, doing regular workouts, and keeping herself motivated.

Before and After

The difference in Belezaprincesa's appearance is startling, as evident in her driver's license photo. She enthusiastically shared her 'before and after' photos with the Reddit community, stating that she doesn't recognize herself in the picture taken before her weight loss. Her hard work and dedication have paid off, and Belezaprincesa looks stunning, with sharper facial features and an undeniable glow.

Positive community support

Comments on Belezaprincesa's post reflected the community's positivity, supportiveness, and appreciation for her hard work. Many remarked on her remarkable transformation, commenting on her features, cheekbones, and bright eyes. Others expressed their admiration, hoped for her continued success, and even shared their personal weight-loss stories. The supportive and encouraging tone of the comments further emphasizes the importance of sharing your journey and seeking help and motivation from your community.


Belezaprincesa's inspiring journey reminds us that long-term weight loss requires patience, dedication, and a balanced approach. By following a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and utilizing social support and accountability, reaching one's goals becomes possible. However, it's essential to remember that weight loss journeys are unique, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. By adopting a healthy lifestyle that works for your mind and body, you can achieve your fitness goals and become the best version of yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.