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The Silent Story of a Weight Loss Journey on Reddit

Follow the journey of a Reddit user who shared about their weight loss progress anonymously, gaining 195 upvotes and no comments.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 203 pounds. A respectable loss of 22 pounds.

The Anonymously Shared Post

Reddit user [deleted] made an anonymous shared post about their weight loss journey, featuring a screenshot of the progress they’ve made through the app Happy Scale. The post received 195 upvotes and no comments, indicating a quiet yet impactful response from the community. The user started with a weight of 223 lbs and had lost 10 lbs in 79 days.

Slow, Steady Progress

The post revealed that the user had limited their daily calorie intake to around 1500 calories and that they were trying to create a sustainable lifestyle change. They also mentioned that they were no longer able to follow a strict meal plan and that they found it more helpful to be flexible with their eating habits while consistently tracking their calorie intake.

A Supportive Community

While the post didn’t receive any comments, it still demonstrated how the Reddit community can serve as a source of support and motivation for those on their weight loss journey. Many Reddit users in the weight loss community share their experiences, providing insight, motivation, and tips to make sustainable lifestyle changes.

The Importance of Consistency

[Deleted]’s weight loss journey showcases the power of consistency when it comes to making positive changes for our health. The user was able to lose weight slowly and steadily while making sustainable lifestyle changes, proving that small steps over time can make a big difference. Consistency is key, even if we aren’t seeing dramatic progress as quickly as we might want.

Sustainability is Key

Ultimately, [deleted]'s journey is a reminder that successful weight loss is not about quick fixes or fad diets. It's about trying different things and finding what works for you in a way that can be maintained over time. Everyone's journey is different, as are the methods and tips that work best. The only way to find out what will work for you is to try it out for yourself, supported by the resources and inspiration the weight loss community can offer.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.