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One Woman's 45Lb Weight Loss Journey in 1.5 Years

Read about Alayha's weight loss journey from 171lbs to 126lbs in 1.5 years, and how she stayed on track after a setback.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 171 pounds to 126 pounds. A respectable loss of 45 pounds.
F/21/5’6” [171lbs > 126lbs = 45lbs] (1.5 years) I had a few weeks where I began to revert to my old eating habits. (I used to eat my feelings.) Lukily, I was able to get back on track, but I’m posting to keep myself accountable!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Alayha, a 21-year-old woman who stands at 5'6'', successfully lost 45lbs in 1.5 years. Her journey was not without setbacks, but she remained accountable and dedicated to her goals throughout.

Old Eating Habits

Alayha admitted to eating her feelings in the past, which led to her being overweight. However, she decided to change her habits and embarked on a weight loss journey.

45lb Weight Loss

With consistent effort and dedication, Alayha lost 45lbs in 1.5 years. She attributes her success to her healthy eating habits and regular exercise routine.

Setbacks and Accountability

Alayha had a few weeks where she began to revert to her old eating habits. However, she was able to get back on track and remain accountable for her progress by sharing her journey on social media.


Alayha's weight loss journey reminds us of the power of consistency, dedication, and accountability. While everyone's journey is unique, anyone can achieve their goals by making healthy choices and remaining committed to their progress.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.