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A Reddit User's Journey to Fat Loss: From 225Lbs To...

Follow the inspiring weight loss journey of a 34-year-old male who lost...

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 225 pounds at a height of 6'1
A photo of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 225 pounds at a height of 6'1
A photo of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 225 pounds at a height of 6'1
Completion: Fat Loss/Male/34/6’1”/225lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Locke724 is a Reddit user who embarked on a weight loss journey, documenting his progress throughout on the platform. At the outset, he was a 34-year-old male who weighed 225lbs and was determined to lose weight and become healthier.

The Journey

Locke724 embarked on his weight loss journey, beginning to count calories, adjust his diet, and establish a routine of regular exercise. He shared that before he began his journey, he had a sedentary lifestyle and consistently overate. However, he made changes to both his diet and exercise routine and started to see results.

The Results

Locke724's hard work and discipline paid off, with him losing a significant amount of weight over the course of his journey. Thanks to his consistent, diligent dedication, he lost over 50 lbs, an impressive feat that demonstrates the power of lifestyle changes when it comes to improving one's health and well-being.


Locke724's weight loss journey offers inspiration and insights for anyone looking to become healthier themselves. Some key takeaways from his journey include the importance of consistency, the power of making small lifestyle changes, and the value of persistence and dedication. Anyone interested in following in his footsteps can start by seeking the support of loved ones, setting achievable goals, and being willing to put in the time and effort necessary to make lifestyle changes.


Lock724's Reddit journey highlights the power of commitment and lifestyle changes when it comes to achieving better health and wellness. It serves as an inspirational account for anyone looking to lose weight and live a healthier life. Remember that the best way to make progress is to start small - tweak your diet and try to be more active each day. Over time, these small changes will add up and lead to significant progress, just like it did for Locke724.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.