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From 134Lbs to Cutting, a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Read about a 26-year-old, 5'8" Reddit user's journey to cutting from 134lbs, from her own post and comments, and be inspired to try it yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" female showing a snapshot of 134 pounds at a height of 5'8
A picture of a 5'8" female showing a snapshot of 134 pounds at a height of 5'8
A picture of a 5'8" female showing a snapshot of 134 pounds at a height of 5'8
A picture of a 5'8" female showing a snapshot of 134 pounds at a height of 5'8
Completion: 26 / F / 5'8" / 134lbs / Cutting
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet ar0se87, who in her own words, may not have seen the physical progress she'd hoped for, but knows that she's stronger (and happier) for it. Perhaps ar0se87's realistic and gentle approach to her own progress can inspire you to approach your weight loss journey the same way.

The Details

This 26-year-old Reddit user started out at 134lbs and documented her weight loss journey with a "Completion" post. The post included "before and after" pics, as well as updates on her diet and exercise routines. Overall, despite feeling some disappointment about not hitting her weight goals before the year closed out (darn those holiday goodies!), ar0se87 still managed to stay positive and focused on her journey towards hitting her goals in the new year.

Positive Feedback

One commenter, HeyNooooow, commented on ar0se87's progress pics, saying that she could see the results and congratulated her on a job well done. Of course, as ar0se87 herself admitted, it can be difficult to see one's own progress. It's nice to have supportive community members who can recognize our accomplishments and encourage us when we might not be able to ourselves.

What to Take Away

Ar0se87's journey reminds us that the journey is the important part, and that pursuing weight loss goals doesn't have to be a linear or perfect process. By focusing on improvements, ar0se87 was able to keep her spirits up and her dedication to her goals. If you're considering making your own weight loss journey, take inspiration from ar0se87's example and stay committed, forgive yourself when you stumble, and celebrate your victories along the way.

Final Thoughts

Remember that everyone's journey will look different, from starting point to finish line. Be proud of your own progress and inch towards your goals at your own pace. Whether you use a community like Reddit or seek out support elsewhere, having a buoy of encouragement and motivation can make all the difference in keeping you accountable and focused throughout the ups and downs of your own weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.