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An Inspiring Story on Achieving Fat Loss Goals: a 27 Year Old Female's Journey

Follow the journey of reddit user roberta314 as she shares her success in reaching her fat loss goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'5
A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'5
A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'5
A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 145 pounds at a height of 5'5
Introduction: 27 / Female / 5'5" / 145lbs / Fat Loss
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Roberta314, a 27-year-old female who stands 5'5" tall, started her journey towards weight loss weighing 145lbs. She documented her journey via reddit to track her progress and share her learnings.


Roberta314's weight loss goals primarily centered around improving her self-confidence and general health. She mentioned in her post that being overweight made her feel self-conscious and unattractive. Furthermore, she was experiencing knee and back pain that she attributed to her weight, and wanted to improve her overall health state.


Roberta314's approach to achieving her weight loss goals included creating a calorie deficit of 250-500 daily, increased physical activity, and a diet with a focus on whole foods. She avoided processed foods, added sugars, and monitored her portion sizes. In addition, she incorporated more exercise into her daily routine such as walking, jogging, and biking.


Although Roberta314's weight loss journey wasn't easy, she made significant strides towards her goals. As she regularly checked in with her progress and received feedback from the reddit community, she felt fueled to continue her weight loss journey. By following her approach, she lost 20lbs in a span of few months, and experienced significant improvements in her overall physical health.


Roberta314's journey towards weight loss provides valuable insights for anyone considering embarking on a similar journey. By taking concrete steps like creating a calorie deficit, eating whole foods, and incorporating movement into your daily routine, you can see significant progress towards your weight loss goals. While each person's journey is different and personalized, this provides an excellent foundation for anyone looking to pursue their own journey towards self-improvement.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.