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How a Low Carb Diet Worked for a Reddit User's Fitness Journey

Read about a reddit user's weight loss and fitness journey, as she shares how her low-carb diet worked easily, lets her eat as much as she wants, does not weaken her, and helped her remain fit for almost half a year.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 147 pounds at a height of 5'4
Intro: 26/F/5'4"/147 lbs (Jan 2 - Mar 26)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


In a 2012 reddit post, a user named kacsamarad shared her weight loss and fitness journey. She is a 26-year-old, 5'4” tall female who weighed 147 pounds on January 2nd. Though she didn't primarily want to lose weight, she wanted to be healthier, fitter, and stronger. As a response to a comment, she shared her preference for doing sports like jogging, swimming, biking, or yoga, as they generally shape almost the whole body at once.

Low-carb dieting

Then another user, freedomyunofree, asked kacsamarad if she had tried low-carb dieting before. In response, kacsamarad revealed that she had tried such a diet before and it worked well for her. Her simple strategy included nullifying sugar and flour intake and not eating anything after 6 o'clock. She was able to eat as much food as she wanted and could work out too without any adverse effects. She loved this diet for one and a half months, during which she felt fit and strong without any weight reduction information.


After stopping her low-carb diet, Kacsamarad loved to eat chocolate, cake, bread, and other fattening foods too much to stick to it. Still, she recommended this diet to anyone, especially those who wanted to work out at the same time. Notably, the diet did not weaken her, as many other diets often do. Consequently, she gained strength and health, which she enjoyed for six months after stopping the diet.


Moreover, Kacsamarad partook in the Body Transformation Fitness Challenge, a competition where participants undergo body changes within 12 weeks to win exciting prizes, and she got encouraging messages from the organizers. Part of the competition includes posting before-and-after pictures, but beyond winning prizes, the competition offers participants a unique opportunity to transform their bodies and achieve their fitness goals.


In summary, kacsamarad's weight loss and fitness journey is a testament to the effectiveness of a low-carb diet for anyone looking to keep fit, get stronger and healthier, and work out without weakening their body. Her experience also highlights the importance of engaging in physical activity like sports and participating in fitness challenges that motivate individuals towards achieving their health goals. While a low-carb diet may not work for everyone, it is worth trying to see if it may be a useful tool to achieve your fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.