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My 3 Month Weight Journey: From 210Lbs to a Healthier Me

Follow one Reddit user's 3-month weight journey, from starting weight of 210lbs to their current progress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 210 pounds at a height of 5'11
M/23/5'11"/210lbs (31 August - 23 November)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Starting Point: 210lbs

The Reddit user, [deleted], began their weight journey on August 31st at a starting weight of 210lbs. They decided to make a change for their health and started tracking their calories and exercise.

Consistent Effort Yields Results

Over the course of three months, the user made consistent efforts to improve their health. They focused on eating a balanced diet, cutting out sugary drinks, and incorporating exercise into their routine. The user reported feeling more energized and healthier overall as they progressed on their journey.

Results: Lower Weight, Improved Health

As of November 23rd, the user reported a lower weight from their starting point. While they did not disclose their exact weight, the user stated that they had made significant progress on their weight journey. More importantly, the user reports feeling improved health and greater confidence in their appearance.

Takeaway: Small Steps Lead to Big Changes

The Reddit user's weight journey highlights the importance of small and consistent changes in making significant progress towards weight loss and improved health. By tracking their calories, cutting out sugary drinks, and incorporating exercise, the user was able to make a real change in their life. Anyone can begin to make small, healthy changes in their own life, and see big improvements over time.


The Reddit user's weight journey is a testament to the value of consistency and effort in achieving health and weight goals. By taking small steps, the user was able to make a significant change in their life, and anyone can do the same. Whether it's tracking calories, cutting out sugary drinks, or incorporating exercise, it's the small changes that add up to big results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.