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F/19/5'4 Weight Loss Journey: 151Lbs to 141Lbs in 2 Months

Join this reddit user on their weight loss journey as they drop 10lbs in 2 months with a 1250 calorie diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 151 pounds to 141 pounds. A respectable loss of 10 pounds.
F/19/5'4 [151-141= 10] (2 months) Finally joined the 10lb club after a month of 1250 calories
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One reddit user, F/19/5’4’’ has shared her journey of losing weight from 151lbs to 141lbs over a span of two months, in a recent post. She credits her weight loss to cultivating a healthy diet and lifestyle through self-discipline and setting realistic goals for herself.

1250 Calorie Diet

She consistently maintained a daily caloric intake of 1250 calories, which helped her to shed the extra pounds. Her diet included plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. By eating a balanced diet and tracking her calorie intake, she made mindful choices and was able to curb her cravings.

Self-Discipline and Consistency

Her weight loss journey was truly a test of her self-discipline and willingness to stay consistent. The user shared that she made it a point to hit the gym regularly, and even when she didn’t feel like working out, she made herself do it anyways. Consistency in her diet and exercise routine proved to be the key to her success.

Realistic Goals

The user focused on setting realistic goals for herself and took it one step at a time. Rather than being discouraged by a lack of progress or a setback, she continued on with her efforts and saw results over time. By staying motivated and persevering through obstacles, she was able to achieve her desired weight loss goals.


This 19-year-old reddit user's weight loss journey demonstrates that with a healthy diet, consistent exercise routine, self-discipline, and setting realistic goals, it’s definitely possible to achieve your desired weight loss goals. Perhaps most importantly, her journey is proof that anyone can make those positive lifestyle changes, as long as they have the dedication and the drive to do so.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.