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Nikohlrose's 77Lb Weight Loss Journey: Motivation for Healthy Living

Read about the amazing transformation of Reddit user NikohlRose, who lost 77lbs and experienced the incredible impact on her hands. Discover her tips and inspiration for weight loss and healthy living.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a fat loss from 270 pounds to 187 pounds. A respectable loss of 83 pounds.
A picture of a 5'6" female showing a fat loss from 270 pounds to 187 pounds. A respectable loss of 83 pounds.
F/20/5'6" [270lbs > 187lbs = 77lbs] It's amazing what a 77lb weight loss can do to your hands!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Starting the Journey

NikohlRose's weight loss journey began at 270lbs, with a goal to take care of herself and feel better in her own skin. Through a combination of healthy eating, exercise and self-motivation, NikohlRose was able to lose 77lbs and reach her goal weight of 187lbs.

Observing Physical Changes

One of the most interesting observations NikohlRose made on her journey was the physical changes that occurred in her hands as a result of weight loss. She posted a photo on Reddit showing how her hands looked before and after her weight loss, and the difference was incredible! Not only did her hands appear slimmer and more streamlined, but her nails were stronger and her skin more radiant. This was a tangible reminder of the positive effects of her lifestyle changes.

Tips for Success

NikohlRose's weight loss journey wasn't smooth sailing, but she shared her tips and tricks to make the process easier. These include setting realistic goals, tracking progress, finding support, staying consistent, and learning from setbacks. She emphasized the importance of self-love and being kind to oneself through the journey, as this keeps motivation high and encourages healthy habits.

Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

NikohlRose's journey inspires us all to prioritize our health and wellbeing. She reminds us that a healthy lifestyle is not just about losing weight, but also about feeling happier, more energetic and fulfilled. Some of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle include reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, improving mental health and cognitive function, and boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. By making small, sustainable changes to our eating and exercise habits, we can all experience these benefits.


NikohlRose's story is an inspiration to anyone looking to improve their health and wellness. Her journey shows that it's possible to make lasting changes with willpower, determination, and self-love. NikohlRose's weight loss journey highlights the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of taking care of ourselves. We encourage you to take inspiration from NikohlRose and make small changes to your lifestyle – you never know what positive transformations you may experience!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.