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34 Lbs Weight Loss Journey: One Year Progress of a Male Teenager

Read about the incredible weight loss journey of a male teenager, who managed to lose 34 lbs in a year, without signing up for any weight loss program.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 236 pounds to 202 pounds. A net loss of 34 pounds.
M/18/6' [236 > 202 = 34 lbs] (1 year) Homecoming 2015 vs 2016
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys can be both challenging and rewarding. While many people prefer to sign up with weight loss programs, some achieve their desired results by making small but significant lifestyle changes. One such individual is a male teenager, who shared his journey on Reddit, inspiring many others. In this article, we will take a closer look at his journey and what we can learn from it.

Homecoming 2015 vs 2016

The Reddit user posted pictures of himself taken a year apart, during his homecoming celebration, revealing his stunning weight loss transformation. He went from weighing 236 lbs to 202 lbs, losing 34 lbs in total. While he did not share his exact diet and exercise plan, he did mention that he made a conscious effort to reduce his junk food intake and started doing more cardio.

Small Changes, Big Results

One of the most inspiring aspects of this weight loss journey is that the Reddit user did not make drastic changes. Rather, he made small, sustainable changes to his lifestyle, which cumulatively led to his significant weight loss. Instead of completely depriving himself of his favorite foods, he reduced their intake and opted for healthier options. Similarly, he did not immediately start doing intense workouts but increased his daily activity levels slowly.

Importance of Consistency

Another lesson we can learn from this weight loss journey is the importance of consistency. The Reddit user did not give up his weight loss journey after a few weeks or months, but instead, continued to make small changes over a year. He also did not expect immediate results but kept a positive attitude, which helped him stay motivated. Consistency is key to any weight loss journey, and this Reddit user is an excellent example of how it can lead to impressive results.


In conclusion, this weight loss journey of a male teenager provides us with valuable insights into how small lifestyle changes can lead to significant weight loss. It also highlights the importance of consistency and a positive attitude. While we all have different body types and weight loss goals, we can all learn from this Reddit user and try to make sustainable changes to our lifestyle. With a positive attitude and consistency, achieving our desired weight is possible without signing up for expensive weight loss programs.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.