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6 Month Weight Journey: M/26 Goes From Skinny Fat to Healthy

After years of neglecting his health, a Reddit user wakes up with a determination to change. Follow his story from a skinny fat frame to a healthy one.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 6'0
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 6'0
M/26/6'0" [165lbs > 165lbs = 0lbs] (6 months) Woke up one day and wanted to make my health a priority again.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Beginning of the Journey

The Reddit user, skinnyfatfat, woke up one day and decided that it was time to make his health a priority. He was 26 years old and weighed 165 pounds, but his body was what is commonly known as 'skinny fat.' This condition occurs when a person appears to be of normal weight but has a high percentage of body fat and low muscle mass.

The Need for a Change

The user had been neglecting his health for years, and he realized it was time for a change. He started by fixing his diet, cutting out unhealthy foods and incorporating more vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. He also began to exercise regularly, incorporating both cardio and strength training.

The Struggle

The journey was not easy, and there were days when the user struggled to stay on track. But he persevered and was able to make consistent progress over a span of six months. He even lifted his spirits up by listening to music, which gave him the motivation to keep going.

The Results

At the end of the six months, the user weighed the same as when he started, at 165 pounds, but he had transformed his body composition. He had lost fat and gained muscle, which had the effect of making him look healthier and more toned. To stay on track, he continued to stick to his healthy diet and exercise routine.

The Takeaway

This story shows that with dedication and focus, it is possible to transform your body and lead a healthier life. The Reddit user started with a simple decision to prioritize his health and made consistent changes in his lifestyle to achieve his goals. Anyone can follow this example and make changes to live a healthier life, no matter what their current fitness level is.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.