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My Weight Loss Journey: Male, 18, 6' (185 Lbs to 160 Lbs in 4.5 Months)

Follow the journey of a Reddit user who lost 25 pounds in 4.5 months, sharing his strategies and progress along the way

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 185 pounds to 160 pounds. A respectable loss of 25 pounds.
Male/18/6' [185>160=25 LBS] (4.5 Months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a struggle that millions of people across the world face every single day. One Reddit user, who remains anonymous under the username of [deleted], decided to take control of his weight and start a journey that would change his life forever. In just 4.5 months, this young man lost an incredible 25 lbs.

The Beginning of the Journey

At the start of this journey, [deleted] weighed in at 185 lbs. He set a target of 160 lbs, with a goal of losing 1-2 lbs per week. To achieve this, he started by making some small changes in his diet. He began by cutting back on sugary drinks and fast foods, and replacing them with healthier options like fruits and vegetables.

The Importance of Exercise

In addition to his dietary changes, [deleted] also started working out regularly. He started with cardio exercises like running and cycling, and then progressed onto weightlifting to build muscle mass. Exercise played a significant role in not only his weight loss, but also in maintaining overall good health.

Consistency and Patience

One of the most important factors in [deleted]'s success was his consistency and patience. He monitored his progress meticulously, tracking his weight each day and adjusting his diet and exercise accordingly. He acknowledged the ups and downs of weight loss and celebrated his achievements, no matter how small they may have seemed.


In conclusion, [deleted] proved that with dedication, motivation, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. By making small changes to his diet and exercising regularly, he lost 25 lbs in just 4.5 months. His journey serves as an inspiration to others looking to lose weight and improve their overall health. So why not take the first step and try out some of the strategies he used for yourself?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.