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From 225 Lbs to 115 Lbs: F/23/5'3" Reflects on 5 Year Weight Loss Journey

Read about how daniellesings lost 110 lbs over the course of 5 years and the impact it had on her life. Advice on how to achieve sustainable weight loss is included.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 115 pounds. A respectable loss of 110 pounds.
A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 115 pounds. A respectable loss of 110 pounds.
F/23/5'3" [225 lbs>115 lbs] (5 years of progress!) My students and new friends don't recognize me in old pictures... to be honest, neither do I.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction: A remarkable weight loss journey

Danielle, also known as daniellesings on Reddit, went from weighing 225 lbs to 115 lbs over the course of 5 years. Her post, which has received over 500 upvotes, highlights her journey and how she no longer recognizes herself in old photos. Others have applauded her transformation, commenting on how beautiful she looks now. Danielle reflects on her journey while giving advice on how to achieve sustainable weight loss.

The challenges of weight loss

Danielle admits that she had been a crash-yoyo dieter before she found the keto diet, which is her current diet of choice. She eats grilled meat, greens, cheese, and butter – all foods she loves. Exercise also played a role in her weight loss journey. When the weather was good, she ran, and when it was bad, she lifted weights. However, she emphasizes that slow and steady wins the race and that sticking with something you can do long-term is what will make the difference.

The impact of weight loss

Danielle highlights how big of a transformation occurred. She now gets to wear better clothes, and she no longer recognizes herself in old photos. Her skin has had some stretch marks, but it has mostly bounced back into place. More importantly, she says, she is happier on the inside now. Danielle's journey shows that weight loss isn't just about physical appearance but also about gaining a better quality of life.

Advice for those looking to lose weight

Danielle's extensive weight loss journey gives her valuable insight into how to achieve sustainable weight loss. Her advice is to focus on slow and steady progress, find a diet that works for you, and find exercises you enjoy. She emphasizes that everyone's journey is different and that it's essential to find something that works for you.

Conclusion: Achieving sustainable weight loss

Danielle's journey from 225 lbs to 115 lbs over five years shows that weight loss is possible if you stick with it. It's not about going on crash diets or working out five hours a day – it's about finding what works for you and making progress in small steps that you can maintain. Anyone who is looking to lose weight can take inspiration from daniellesings and start their journey to a better quality of life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.