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How Reddit User Outatyme85 Lost 24 Lbs and Transformed Her Body

Read about Outatyme85's journey to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle using a combination of hiking, running, and smart food choices.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 165 pounds to 153 pounds. A net loss of 12 pounds.
F/23/5'3" [165>153>141 = 24 lbs] Been struggling with motivation lately, then I stumbled upon a pic of me at my heaviest and I feel re-energized and ready to get back at it!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Outatyme85 is a Reddit user who has undergone a major transformation over the past few years, losing 24 lbs and getting in top shape. She credits her success to a few key factors: hiking, running, and making smart food choices that are sustainable over time.

Motivation Matters

Like many people, Outatyme85 had moments of feeling unmotivated and struggling to keep up with her fitness routine. But she found inspiration in an old photo of herself at her heaviest weight and used that to re-energize her focus and commitment to losing weight.

Slow and Steady Progress

Outatyme85's weight loss journey was not a quick one, but she believes that's what made it sustainable over time. She started by hiking and eventually added running to her routine, and used a treadmill to stay active even on days when outdoor exercise wasn't feasible.

Food Choices that Stick

Along with exercise, Outatyme85 made a conscious effort to make healthier food choices without resorting to extreme diets or strict rules. She focused on choosing whole, unprocessed foods and eating vegan for a period of time, which she found made her feel better overall.

Lifestyle Change for Long Term Health

Ultimately, Outatyme85 sees her weight loss and fitness journey as a long term lifestyle change, rather than a one time goal to reach. By focusing on building healthy habits that work for her body and personality, she feels confident that she can maintain her progress and continue feeling great.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.