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M/20/5'7 Shows 11Lb Progress in 4 Months with Weightlifting and Diet

Read about a Reddit user's journey to shed 11 lbs in 4 months with weightlifting and diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a fat loss from 170 pounds to 159 pounds. A respectable loss of 11 pounds.
M/20/5'7 (170 lb > 159lb) 4 months progress of weight lift and diet
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight-loss transformations are inspiring, and they can motivate people to start their own weight-loss journeys. A Reddit user, [deleted], recently shared their weight-loss journey on the platform, revealing how they managed to shed 11lbs over a period of four months. According to the post, the user achieved the transformation through regular weightlifting and dietary changes.

Weightlifting and Diet

The Reddit user revealed that they followed a moderate calorie reduction diet and started weightlifting four days per week under the guidance of a coach. They increased their protein intake, reduced their carb intake, and maintained a calorie deficit. The user claimed that these methods worked for them and helped them achieve good results.


The user posted a before and after picture on Reddit showing their progress. In the before picture, they weighed 170lbs, while in the after picture, they weighed 159lbs. The user also stated that they felt more energized and confident after their weight loss journey. They encourage others to try similar methods to achieve their weight loss goals.

Importance of Seeking Expert Advice

It's important to seek expert advice before embarking on a weight loss journey. A coach can help create a personalized fitness program based on individual needs and goals. A doctor can give advice on reducing calories and maintaining a healthy diet without compromising health. Getting expert advice can prevent people from making mistakes or causing harm to their health through dangerous diets or overexercising.


The weight loss journey of this Reddit user serves as an inspiration for those who are looking to shed some pounds. It shows that weightlifting alongside dietary changes can lead to impressive results. However, before starting any health program, it is important to seek the advice of experts because personalized fitness plans and proper diet help individuals maintain healthy and sustainable weight loss.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.