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44 Lbs Lost in 2 Years: User's Weight Loss Story

Read about brookiecookie3458's weight loss journey from 195 lbs to 151 lbs. Learn about her exercise and eating plan.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 195 pounds to 151 pounds. A net loss of 44 pounds.
F/35/5’6 [195> 151 = 44 lbs ] (2 years) best shape of my life after finally committing to a plan and sticking with it.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Brookiecookie3458, a Reddit user, has shared her weight loss journey where she lost 44 lbs in 2 years with a plan she committed to. She shared her exercise and eating plan with her followers.

Exercise and Weight Training

Brookiecookie3458 revealed that for 5 days a week, she would lift free weights in circuits to keep her heart rate up. This helped her get toned up, and she looked amazing. She said the Fitbod app made a big difference in the definition of her muscles, as well as keeping her routine from getting boring.


Brookiecookie3458 also mentioned fasting in her eating plan. She would fast for breakfast (or dinner) and followed a particular eating plan throughout her day. This helped her with her weight loss journey, and she found it to be beneficial.

Dealing With Saggy Skin

One of the things that many people struggle with after losing a lot of weight is saggy skin. When asked about this, Brookiecookie3458 revealed that she still has saggy stomach skin, although it’s not terrible given that she's had two kids. She plans on getting a mommy makeover to deal with this problem.


Brookiecookie3458's story is inspiring, and it shows that committing to a plan and sticking with it can lead to fantastic results. Losing weight is possible, but it's not easy. It takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and discipline. Reading about her journey can motivate and inspire others who may be struggling to lose weight. If you're looking to lose weight, consider trying different exercise and eating plans until you find something that works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.