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F/27/5'6" 21Lb Weight Loss Journey with Lifestyle Changes

This article reports a user's weight journey using their reddit post as a source material. Tips and inspiration shared.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 181 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 21 pounds.
F/27/5'6" [181lbs > 160lbs = 21lbs] (12 months) I got super sick during the pandemic and put on a bunch of weight. This is the 21lb loss, slow but with lots of lifestyle changes!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The pandemic has been tough on everyone, and one of the major effects of it has been visible in people's weight gain. The lack of activity and additional stress was enough to cause severe weight fluctuations. One reddit user, 'DessieDearest' shared her inspiring story of losing 21lbs in 12 months.

Lifestyle Changes Made

Dessie made gradual changes to her lifestyle to shed the excess weight while being able to sustain it. These changes included controlled portions of meals, taking stairs instead of the elevator, short walks during lunch breaks, cutting down drinking days, increasing fruit and vegetable intake, switching to low-calorie ice creams, and stopping fast food binges. Dessie made a point of making one change at a time and only introducing a new one once the habit had been formed.

Tips and Motivation

Dessie’s weight loss journey provides useful tips for anyone struggling with losing weight. The small changes she made contributed to the significant weight loss which was noticeable in her before and after photos. Her approach to weight loss is practical, and anyone can do it. Making sustainable lifestyle changes gradually and one at a time is critical. Dessie’s journey is a powerful motivator for anyone thinking about losing weight.

Fitness Journey

Dessie's next step is to get back to the gym once the exam season ends. She recently started cycling outdoors, and she plans to incorporate gym visits 1-2 times a week. Dessie's fitness journey provides inspiration for anyone in the same boat. Continuing to make gradual changes and incorporating physical activity, even if it is low impact, can go a long way in shedding weight.


Dessie's weight loss journey shows that lifestyle changes can make a massive difference in shedding weight, even if it is slow. Gradual changes introduced one at a time made it easier to adapt to the new habits and helped Dessie stay on track. Her tips on weight loss are useful, and her journey is a source of inspiration for anyone on a weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.