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Celebrating a Successful Weight Journey: a Reddit User's Progress in Weightlifting and Crossfit

Follow a Reddit user's journey in building lean muscle while losing weight through weightlifting, CrossFit, and staying active.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 140 pounds to 130 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.
F/30/5’5” [140> 130= 10lbs] Growing those muscles !!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Struggling to lose weight or build muscle is an obstacle that many people face. However, the journey often becomes more manageable and enjoyable when shared with others. In this Reddit post by user Ariya3, she shared her journey of building lean muscle and losing fat through consistent training and staying active.

A Two-Year Transformation

The Reddit post features two pictures of Ariya3 two and a half years apart. The first picture, taken a few months after Ariya3's son was born, shows her at 140 pounds. The second picture, taken two years later, shows her at 130 pounds with a completely different physique. In her post, Ariya3 mentions that the journey was not about losing weight but building lean muscle and getting in shape.

Training Routine

Ariya3 states in the post that her routine comprises weightlifting, CrossFit, and staying active by walking. She refers to the progress she has made in building muscle, particularly the definition she has achieved in her quads. One user asked for specifics about Ariya3's weightlifting routine, to which she did not provide details. However, this does not take away from the valuable insight that Ariya3 shares about being consistent and active.

Encouragement for Others

Ariya3's transformation is proof that slow and steady wins the race. She did not rush to lose weight but focused on building her strength and staying active. Ariya3's journey gives hope and inspiration to others who may be struggling with their fitness goals. Her post shows that it is possible to make a significant transformation if one stays dedicated to a routine. Ariya3's story encourages others to start or persevere with their own fitness journey and find a community who will support them.


A successful weight journey is a process that involves patience, consistency, and discipline. Ariya3's Reddit post shows that this journey is achievable by sticking to a routine and staying active, whether that be through weightlifting, CrossFit, or walking. Her progress is a testament to the power of consistency and gradual progress. Her story is an inspiration to all those who seek to transform themselves, proving that anyone can achieve their fitness goals with dedication and hard work.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.