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From 215 to the Last Few Pounds: a Weight Loss Journey of a 30 Year Old Man

A 30-year-old man successfully loses weight, seeks advice on Reddit, and shares more photos to get mapping help with his weight loss goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 215 pounds at a height of 5'11
Introduction: 30 / M / 5'11" / 215 lbs / Last Few Pounds
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Introduction: The Start of the Journey

Goutes33, a 30 year old man, started his weight loss journey before he sought advice from the Reddit community. He weighed 215 lbs and stood tall at 5'11. In his first post, he shared his body measurements, along with a request to help him lose weight. He was already on the right track, losing the majority of the weight, and had reached the last few pounds of his weight loss goals.

The Power of the Community

The Reddit community rallied around Goutes33, offering various advice on how he could lose those last few pounds. One suggestion was to try a low carb diet, which could kick his weight loss into high gear. Other users suggested incorporating more cardio into his routine, such as running or cycling. Goutes33 was encouraged by the outpouring of support, and it gave him a renewed sense of motivation to reach his final weight goal.

The Importance of Documentation

One important aspect of Goutes33's journey was the documentation he provided. Goutes33 shared photos of his progress, starting from the beginning of his weight loss journey until his current weight. Reddit user MetaBoob, who was helping with the mapping of Goutes33's body, also suggested that he provide more photos of his thighs for more accurate analysis. Documentation is essential to monitor progress and to ensure that one is on track to achieve their goals.

Tailoring Fitness and Nutrition to Achieve Goals

During his journey, Goutes33 discovered the importance of tailoring fitness and nutrition to his specific needs. He found that low carb diets worked well for him, and incorporating running and cycling into his routine helped him burn those last few pounds. He adjusted his nutrition and fitness routine over time to reach his goals, and it is vital to point out that what worked for him might not work for others. Customization is necessary for effective weight loss and maintenance.


Goutes33's journey is inspirational, showcasing that weight loss is possible with dedication and hard work. Seeking support from the community can also be helpful, but remember that what works for one person might not work for you. Keep in mind the importance of documentation, customizing fitness and nutrition goals, and finding the motivation to achieve them. Everyone's journey is different, but with enough time and work, it is achievable. So, start your journey today and tailor it to your preference to reach your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.