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Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, or EPOC, is a term used to describe the continued calorie burning that occurs after a workout. It refers to the excess amount of oxygen consumed by the body after a strenuous exercise that is required to restore the body to its normal resting state. EPOC includes the elevated metabolism, increased oxygen uptake and calorie burning that occurs during the recovery period following exercise.

What Causes EPOC?

EPOC is caused by the body's need to restore itself to its pre-exercise state. This restoration requires energy, and the level of energy required is directly related to the intensity and duration of the exercise performed. When the body engages in high-intensity exercise or resistance training, the muscles undergo micro-damage, and the body needs to repair this damage, increasing the metabolic rate and oxygen uptake to do so. This increase in metabolic rate continues even after the workout is finished, leading to the after-burn effects of EPOC.

How Does EPOC Affect Fitness and Weight Loss?

EPOC can contribute to increased calorie burning, which can help with weight loss goals. The greater the intensity of the workout, the greater the after-burn will be, leading to increased EPOC. Additionally, EPOC has been shown to contribute to the development of lean muscle mass, which can further enhance fitness and weight loss goals.


Overall, EPOC is an important concept to understand for those looking to maximize their fitness and weight loss efforts. It provides insight into the effects of exercise at a cellular level and how the body's metabolism can work to our advantage even after we've finished our workout. Increasing the intensity and duration of exercise can lead to greater levels of EPOC, leading to enhanced fitness, weight loss and health outcomes.

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.