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From Distended Stomach to Six Pack Abs: a Journey to Fitness

Read about a Reddit user's transformation from a bloated stomach to a toned abs through intense training and clean eating.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a snapshot of 140 pounds at a height of 5'5
F/24/5'5 [140>140=0] just started intense training this week, just wanted to show the difference in my distended stomach from eating cleaner
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Intense Training and Disciplined Eating

One Reddit user, [deleted], shared their weight loss journey to fellow Redditors. They posted a photo of their stomach, showing the difference between a bloated and a toned belly. The user reported that they had just started intense training that week and had cleaned up their diet. This realization marked the beginning of their journey to fitness.

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency played a vital role in the user’s transformation. They followed a diet plan and remained committed to working out every day. The user emphasized how small changes can lead to significant results, and sticking to a plan is the key to achieving them. The user reported losing weight after several months of consistent effort.

The Role of Physical Activity

Physical activity was an essential aspect of the user's weight loss journey. The user reported that they started with a few basic exercises such as jumping ropes or lunges, but eventually progressed to more intense workouts. They credited the progress they made to the increased physical activity they engaged in, as it helped them lose weight, tone muscles, and maintain fitness.

Positive Reinforcement and Motivation

Positive reinforcement from the Reddit community motivated the user to stay on track, as they received encouragement and support from their peers. The user reported that seeing others' success stories and photos helped them maintain a positive attitude, even during challenging times. This external validation helped them stay committed to their goals and maintain motivation.

Conclusion and Takeaways

The user's transformation demonstrates that with dedication, discipline, and consistency, anyone can achieve their fitness goals. The user emphasized that small changes can make significant impacts, and surrounding one's self with a supportive community can help maintain motivation. Anyone can start their fitness journey by gradually improving their nutrition and physical activity habits, and most importantly, by staying committed to their goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.