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How Bexleybentley Gained 13 Pounds of Muscle and Lost 3.5 Inches on the Waist

Read about BexleyBentley's self-improvement journey as she gains a significant amount of muscle and loses inches on the waist.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a muscle gain from 140 pounds to 153 pounds. A net gain of 13 pounds.
F/36/5’8 [140>153=13 gained](6months) hip surgery last year. Putting on muscle! Lost in one month 3.5” on waist. Gained 1” on arms/legs 2” gain butt!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


BexleyBentley, a 36-year-old female, had undergone hip surgery last year. Six months ago, she started her self-improvement journey where she focused on gaining muscle and losing weight. Recently, she took to Reddit to share her progress and was met with praise and encouragement.

The Results

In just a month, BexleyBentley lost 3.5 inches on the waist and gained 1 inch on each arm and leg. Additionally, she gained 2 inches on her buttocks. While the number on the scale increased from 140 pounds to 153 pounds, the gain was primarily due to the added muscle mass.

The Journey

BexleyBentley's journey has been challenging, but she persevered. She started with 40-pound squats and 20-pound arm exercises, and now she can successfully do 190-pound squats and 80-100 pound arm exercises. Her dedication and hard work propelled her to where she is now.

Encouragement to Others

BexleyBentley's progress serves as an inspiration for others looking to improve their physical health. Her journey is a reminder that with consistent hard work and dedication, one can achieve their goals. However, it is essential to note that everyone's journey is different. What works for someone else may not work for you. It's essential to find what works best for you and to seek professional guidance if necessary.


BexleyBentley's journey proves that self-improvement is possible, regardless of age and past medical records. The key is to stay dedicated and consistent, and results will come. Her journey serves as a reminder that a positive mindset and an unwavering commitment to achieving one's goals can make all the difference.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.