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Fat Loss Journey of a 28 Year Old Female: a Reddit User's Story

Follow the weight loss journey of a 28-year-old female who stands 5'2'' tall and weighed 154lbs using her Reddit post as reference. Learn how she documented her journey on the platform and stay motivated to start your own weight loss journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a snapshot of 154 pounds at a height of 5'2
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a snapshot of 154 pounds at a height of 5'2
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a snapshot of 154 pounds at a height of 5'2
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a snapshot of 154 pounds at a height of 5'2
Introduction: Fat Loss/Female/28/5'2"/154lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Join the story of a 28-year-old female, Reddit username bigchiefhoho, who shares how she began her weight loss journey. At 154 pounds and 5'2'' tall, she decided to sign up for BTFC7, a platform that helps people take on their weight loss journey through accountability and online community support.

The Journey Begins

Reddit user bigchiefhoho started by cutting down her food intake and watching what she eats, coupled with daily workouts that she schedules for herself. She talks about her little successes, like not giving in to cravings, running longer and faster on the treadmill every week and waking up earlier than usual just to work out.

Challenges Along the Way

The journey wasn't entirely smooth-sailing for bigchiefhoho. But instead of wallowing in self-pity when things don't go right, she shared on her Reddit thread how she sees her challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. In fact, she shares that even when she gained some weight during a vacation, she didn't see it as a failure but as an opportunity to come back stronger and hold herself more accountable.

Celebrating Milestones

Bigchiefhoho celebrates every milestone, no matter how small or big they may seem. She acknowledges the little things she did right and gives herself a pat on the back for completing them. From running on the treadmill without stopping to cooking healthy meals at home, celebrating milestones made her journey more fun and fulfilling.

Final Thoughts

Bigchiefhoho's journey is a testament that losing weight isn't just about the physical aspect but also the mental and emotional aspects. She shares how her journey made her feel more confident, strong and happy in her own skin. This journey is a reminder that there's no one right way to lose weight, but it all starts by being accountable and making good choices one step at a time. So start your weight loss journey now, take inspiration from her story and begin your own transformation.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.