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A 20 Year Old's Journey to Fat Loss: Using Reddit as a Diary

Follow a 20-year-old's weight loss journey through her Reddit posts. Learn her strategies and tips that may work for you.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'4
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'4
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'4
Introduction: 20 / F/ 5'4" / 162 / Fat Loss
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


The journey to weight loss is a difficult one, and it always helps to have someone to share it with. That's why a 20-year-old Reddit user with a starting weight of 162 pounds decided to chronicle her journey online. Though her username is now deleted, her posts offer insight into the ups and downs of fat loss.

Her Strategy

The user started by focusing on her diet. She cut out sugar and processed foods and began counting calories. She learned to cook and incorporated healthier foods into her meals. Along with this, she started walking and doing yoga. She would take progress pictures and record her weight every day. Though she faced moments of self-doubt, she kept pushing forward, motivated by the idea of reaching her goal.

Her Milestones

Through her posts, we can see the user's milestones. She reached her first goal of losing 10 pounds in a few months. She called it a victory and a huge motivator. However, she did hit plateaus along the way, and it was during those moments that she emphasized the importance of perseverance. She kept at it and continued to lose weight.

Words of Encouragement

Reading through this Reddit user's journey can be inspiring. Not only do we see her progress throughout the months, but we also see her positive attitude. She often left comments suggesting that anyone can do it if they put their minds to it. Her story reminds us that weight loss is a journey, and it isn't always linear. It takes hard work, time, and most importantly, patience. There will be moments of doubt, moments of feeling discouraged, but with the right attitude and motivation, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

Final Thoughts

The weight loss journey is different for everyone. However, this user's story offers tips and insights that others can try. Her strategy of focusing on diet and exercise and using progress pictures and weight tracking to monitor progress can be helpful to anyone. Her story also reminds us that losing weight is not easy, but it is doable. It takes commitment, patience, and perseverance. If you're starting your journey, take inspiration from this Reddit user and keep pushing forward.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.