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A Reddit User's Journey to Achieve Her Ideal Weight: Lessons and Tips

Discover the inspiring weight journey of angiebee, a 29-year-old woman who has successfully lost weight with healthy lifestyle modifications.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'7
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'7
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'7
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 162 pounds at a height of 5'7
Intro: 29/f/5'7"/162 lbs.
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Introduction and Background

Meet angiebee, a 29-year-old woman who once weighed 162 lbs. She took to Reddit to share her journey towards achieving her ideal weight. Her post received six upvotes and a few positive comments, motivating her to continue with her journey. Angiebee considered herself an athlete in her high school and college years, but her sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits led to weight gain. This prompted her to commit to a healthier lifestyle and start her weight journey.

The Struggles of Quitting Smoking

Angiebee's post detailed her struggles with quitting smoking, which is a challenge for many. She shared that she was 24 hours into quitting smoking and that she punished herself with pushups or situps whenever she craved a cigarette. Angiebee received helpful tips from other Reddit users, such as using cinnamon sticks and minty toothpicks as substitutes. She mentioned that the habit was worse than the addiction, but she remained determined to succeed.

The Importance of Exercise and Healthy Eating

Angiebee attributed her weight loss to regular exercise and healthy eating. She began working out regularly at the gym, staying active during the day, and participating in fun physical activities like dancing. She also changed her diet by choosing healthier food options and cooking her meals at home, rather than relying on fast foods. Angiebee also found that drinking plenty of water helped curb her hunger and aided in digestion.

Mental Health and Positive Affirmations

Angiebee realized that weight loss is a mental challenge in addition to a physical one. She emphasized the importance of mental health and practicing positive affirmations. She acknowledged that her journey was not always smooth, and she had bad days or cheat meals, but she recommitted to her goals the next day. Angiebee encouraged other people who might be struggling with weight loss to be patient, persistent, seek support from friends and family, and to never give up on their goals.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Angiebee's weight journey is inspiring and offers valuable lessons and tips to anyone striving to achieve their ideal weight. With healthy lifestyle modifications, patience, and determination, it is possible to reach one's goals. While Angiebee's post on Reddit may have motivated others, it's important to recognize that everyone's weight journey is unique. We encourage our readers to try out different diet and exercise methods and find out what works best for them. Remember always to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any rigorous physical activity or changing your diet. Good luck!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.